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MRFC Players take on the 24 Hour Gym Spin Challenge for Charity

Several Musselburgh Players are taking on a 24 Hour Continuous Gym Spin on the 3rd and 4th June raising money for Alzheimer Scotland.

The players along with a few members and supporters will be continuously cycling in teams on Watt Bikes for 24 hours.

On the Just Giving page, Michael Maltman says:

"The majority of us and our families have been personally affected by the cruelty of Alzheimer's and Dementia.

As rugby players, we have all had our fair share of head knocks. Recent results from the FIELD (Football’s InfluencE on Lifelong health and Dementia risk) research programme has found that ex-professional international rugby players had TWICE the risk of developing dementia in later life than compared to the general population. This is one of the reasons why raising money for Alzheimer Scotland is so important to us!

At 7pm, Saturday 3rd June 2023, at Musselburgh Rugby Club, in groups of 3/4 we will be cycling continuously for 24hrs with all donations going to Alzheimer Scotland. We will finish at 7pm, Sunday 4th.

All donations are used by Alzheimer Scotland to; find a cure; pay for carers; fund day centres; provide emergency relief carers; run the help line etc."


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