We have made some changes to our opening hours for our Beer Garden.
President Drew Johnston sent out the following email yesterday.

Members will be aware the cautious easing of Covid-19 restrictions reached the stage where we were able to welcome members and guests back to enjoy our Beer Garden facilities at Stoneyhill on Friday and Saturday last week. I was there on Friday night and have to say that the atmosphere was great. I experienced a sense of relief and joy to be back at Stoneyhill surrounded by the MRFC family though not having had alcohol for 4 months made the Saturday morning quite interesting. Many members and their friends enjoyed the hospitality over the weekend however given that it is many months since we were able to enjoy ourselves it was probably inevitable that there are a few issues we require to address for the future. One of which will be to order more beer! To ensure compliance with licensing regulations and Scottish Government guidelines a small change to our Beer Garden opening hours will be implemented. Our Friday operation was found to be workable within the rules and as such the Beer Garden will once again open at 6 pm. Whilst the proposed closing time will be 10pm Neil will make the decision as to when last orders will be called thus ensuring the safety of customers and staff. We ask all our clientele to respect Neil’s position as our licensee and safety officer. Commencing 8th May and for future Saturdays, all members and guests will be able to book a slot from either 12noon until 4pm or 5pm until 9pm. Please note, the Beer Garden will be fully closed from 4pm until 5pm. We hope that future restriction easing will allow us more flexibility in the coming months but for now this is what we are choosing to work with as we try our best to provide a welcoming and safe environment for all who wish to enjoy our facilities. Can we respectfully remind everyone that all bookings must be made via email at mrfcbar@outlook.com and that all members and guests must check in at the clubhouse entrance before entering the Beer Garden. Unauthorised or unchecked-in customers will be asked to leave or check in as required by law. We would also point out that Government regulations direct all our Beer Garden users to remain seated at their allocated tables unless going to the toilets. I realise this is probably one of the hardest restrictions to abide by but would ask all attendees to try their best to abide by the rules and act responsibly if a member of staff brings any breach to your attention. Anyone who has made a booking for Saturday 8th May will be contacted directly by a member of the bar staff to discuss and confirm which slot they would prefer. The Board would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks to Neil, Annette and all the bar staff who have worked tirelessly over the last year to ensure that the clubhouse adheres to all the necessary guidelines. Without their hard work and dedication, it would not have been possible to open the Beer Garden. There has never been a more important time to remember the club's core values of Integrity, Respect and Inclusion and for all of us to come together to show our support for the club. I will be looking forward to enjoying a gentleman’s cocktail or two over the coming weeks and hope to see you in the not too distant future.
Drew Johnston