Dec 7, 2021

Pickerings Volunteers of the Month Celebrated

Sunday was International Volunteers Day and we would not be the club we are without all our volunteers who work tiresomely behind the scenes.

Thanks to Pickering's Gin who help us recognise our volunteers with a bottle of their multi award winning gin!

Here are some of our most recent winners this year!

Jackie Lambert - for his work with the club during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Neil Smith - for his work in the building of our brand new gym and redevelopment of the changing rooms

Stuart and Adam Braby - for helping build benches and our marquee when the club bar reopened.

Colin Arthur - for his work with the players welfare and the introduction of a buddy system

Calum Johnston - for his work on the club's centenary documentary

Colin Scott - for his help in painting the changing rooms after their redevelopment